GOFish Ontario App

(UI for UX design - Ryerson University course project) 

I designed this mobile application with the goal of making it easier for people to purchase a fishing license (fish legally), and follow fishing regulations in Ontario.

Currently people are able to achieve these things using a web-based application, and through point-of-sale in conjunction with a paper booklet - so a mobile application could be more convenient.

End user goals:

  • Purchase a fishing license
  • Identify what zone the user is in
  • Identify the fishing regulations applicable to their zone
  • Confirm the identity of the fish the user caught

Key problems solved:

  • Inconvenience or inaccessibility of obtaining a license for immediate use
  • Lack of knowledge of fishing zones and regulations
  • Fishing illegally (knowingly or unknowingly)
  • Loss of revenue to the ministry

Project details:

  • Survey
  • Requirements
  • Core tasks
  • Sitemap
  • Wireframes
  • Evaluation
  • Personas
  • Context of use
  • Scenarios
  • Prototype
  • Branding consistency

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Identify your fish (for regulation compliance):


Know your zone (for regulation compliance):


Buy a fishing license:


Video Demo of high-fidelity prototype:

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