Corporate Website

(Patient News website redesign - Project management, web design & development facilitation) 

I was tasked with redesigning and facilitating the build of a dental marketing corporate website (in a tight timeline.)


  • Move to a new CMS (Drupal to Wordpress)
  • Transfer/rebuild the existing 65 pages, 300 blog posts/articles
  • Review, assess and update content
  • Develop a site-wide conversion strategy
  • Update corporate branding

Key tasks:

  • Perform a site audit & develop a sitemap
  • Liaise with stakeholders to determine content goals (keep/remove/add)
  • Design new corporate branding elements
  • Create a developer/build schedule in tandem with the creation of page prototypes (with overseas developer)
  • Perform QA/launch

The brand Implemented:

Fun, fierce and "stand out" from the crowd. Zebra stripes and powerful animals & bright colours. 

Digital Product Page:


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